I'm always looking for web sites with interesting images. Actually, I wish I could spend more time on that, and one goal of this site is to seek, find, and present the gems. Here are two gems I have run across.
Gallery of Steel: International Railway Art Exhibition is "where I capture and share the very best, most artistic, compelling, creative, moving, bold, original, unique, edgy, brilliant (in my opinion) railway-related photographs on Flickr." A person (persons?) after my own heart! A nice range of creativity, most notably in a sizable volume of HDR work, done not for realism but for expression. This is a Flickr-based moderated group of images. There is a regular page
here but what is interesting and nicely done is the alternative black-background presentation linked to above. The regular page includes a brief statement of principles from which the above quote is taken.
Beyond the Wedge is less creative than Gallery of Steel in that it does not feature photography that deviates from representational photography to the same extremes. Which doesn't mean it is worse, or better, just different! One thing I notice (because my preferences favor them) is the many shots that involve capturing equipment and other details, plus broader perspectives, with severe and/or non-standard cropping. But that is just one part of a set of images with interesting variety. Also Flickr-based, also moderated.
Two website, recommended for you viewing pleasure! Always accessible through my links at lower right. I'll keep looking for more.
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